About Us

How it started
Looking to design your home interiors? Here’s how you can get started.

1. Meet Livshapes

2. Book Livshapes

3. Confirm Order

4. Execution Begins

5. Move In

Meet Livshapes
It starts with filling up a form
The more we learn about your requirements, the better we can design your home.
Get consulted
Contact us to get personalized recommendations and quotes for your dream home.

Book Livshapes
It’s time to deep dive into the nitty-gritties. Pick your favorite materials and finishes.

Confirm order
Start the order process with a 50% payment
Finalise the design, and your project is now off to a good start.
You're half way there. Your orders are raised!

- Civil work begins on site.
- Manufacturing of orders is in process and you’re mid-way through your project.
- Pay 100% at the execution milestone
- Orders get delivered on-site and execution happens as per the design confirmed
Hurrah! Complete payment has been made!

Move in
your dream home is now a reality! It’s time for new memories!
The Team
Get to know the team that’ll be with you every step of the way.
The Design Lead (DL)
The Design Lead gets to know your requirements and your lifestyle intimately to ensure your home is a reflection of who you are.

The Business Manager (BM)
To ensure your home journey is smooth sailing, your Business Manager oversees the entire design process and ensures there are no hiccups.

The Project Manager (PM)
Your Project Manager steers the on-site execution. They make it their life’s mission to get your home ready in time.